The Scorpio Girl


The Scorpio Girl is an original story about a 22 year old girl whos life gets turned upside down when she falls in love. She was born and abandoned on the coldest, darkest, most haunting night of November and grew up an having to fend for herself. Most people describe her as a cold and ruthless woman but he doesnt see her that way. When love is involed the rules stop applying.

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The Scorpio Girl


It’s not that I enjoy pain. Not at all. In fact I feel every emotion so intensely almost like a vibration, that feeling such a strong emotion as pain, could potentially kill me. Yes I am dark and mysterious. I hold the wrath of the devil himself. But as I said, I feel every emotion so intensely that I have more passion and love than I know what to do with.

You’re probably wondering who am I? I am just a girl who finds love. Eternal, pure, soul snatching love, only to be crushed under the waves of pain and suffering. I am just a girl who will never find happiness as long as she live. I am just a girl. The Scorpio Girl.

Now that we have been formally introduced, I must warn you that my story is dark, it is vengeful and not for the faint of heart. If you have a moral high ground thats equivalent to that oh having a pole stuck up your ass then this is were you would want to find another story to read. Because from here on out, rules do not apply. 

Chapter 1

The heart is an essential organ. It main function is to pumps blood throughout the body via the circulatory system, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes. But science can’t explain the feeling in your heart you get for someone special. It doesn’t tell you have to protect it from something we barley can comprehend. So what is love? Love is a complex set of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person. Blah blah blah. 

No, I wasn’t always so dark. I loved many times in my life but one love in particular made me this way.  It was the most magical love. Love that transcended time and the physical and emotional realm. It was a love crafted by the universe. 

But like the brightest stars that burn too fiercely, this love was not meant to last. It was a love that came with a price—a curse, some might say. For every moment of bliss, a shadow loomed, ready to engulf us in its darkness. And it did.

His name was Orion, a soul as old as time itself, with eyes that held the secrets of the cosmos. He was my equal in every way, the yin to my yang, the night to my day. We were bound by an invisible thread, woven by fate’s own hand.

Our love was a dance of fire and ice, of passion and tranquility. We could communicate without words, our hearts beating in perfect harmony. But as the laws of the universe dictate, what goes up must come down. Our descent was catastrophic.

The day he vanished was the day the light went out in my world. They said he was taken by the shadows, consumed by the very darkness we dared to defy. I searched for him in every corner of the earth, through realms and dimensions unknown to man. But he was gone, leaving behind a void no star could fill.

Now, I wander the earth, a specter of my former self. They call me The Scorpio Girl, a harbinger of doom to some, a lost soul to others. But deep down, I know my quest is not in vain. For every night, as I gaze upon the stars, I see a flicker—a sign that our love story is not yet over.

And so, I wait for the day when the universe will align once more, when the shadows will retreat, and my Orion will return to me. Until then, I am a warrior in the night, fighting the darkness with the only weapon I have—my undying love.